There was a time in my life where I was afraid I was going to end up one of those people that start projects and never finish them. It's true for some things in my life: working out regularly, design school, making an entire quilt; but I have managed to actually
finish many projects in the past several years, and it has been, to say the least, very satisfying. So in my basket of to-do projects is the above scarf. The yarn is a ruffle-yarn, so the ruffles happen all by themselves, as long as you knit it correctly. It just takes forever to add any length. I figure it will take me until the end of summer to finish. But it should be beautiful when it's finally done.
A couple of weeks ago, I started on this cute little elephant pattern I found online at LionBrand.com. After completing the body, trunk, and all four legs, I realized that I was out of yarn. Panic set in for a few minutes, then I realized I had been using the yarn as part of my wip (work-in-progress) hexagon blanket (see
http://attic24.typepad.com/weblog/ for the pattern). So I dutifully ripped out the yarn and was able to make the ears for, what turned out to be, an adorable little elephant. I couldn't quite get the trunk shaped like the picture, but cute nonetheless.
Basically a sphere with a couple of eyes and shamrock-shaped appendages, this has been one of my favorite amigurumi animals. Also found at
It was a going-away gift for my roommate, who moved last week.
So there are just three weeks to go in graduate school before I move back in with my husband. I am excited. Very, very excited. Most of the time I will be packing, cleaning, and gathering as much data from the lab as possible. I have a meeting with my committee this coming week to see how I can turn this project into a Master's thesis and defend it next Fall. It may be quite do-able, and if I can accomplish this, I think I will have added one more "finished project" to my list and be quite happy.